The Guy I Hate Playing Against

  • Expects success - because he knows he's put in the work
  • Never gets caught up in the emotion of the game
  • Is constantly encouraging his teammates
  • Isn't afraid to get on is teammates when necessary
  • Doesn't have enough emotional energy to engage the refs
  • Never lets the crowd get him off his game
  • Can handle the ball with both hands
  • Takes pride in getting stops
  • Makes the right play with the game on the line
  • Can guard outside of his natural position
  • Is a great screener
  • Goes to the offensive glass all of the time
  • Is constantly moving, almost never standing still
  • Has counters to his go-to stuff
  • Finishes with both hands
  • Plays with great intensity and great composure
  • Understands what gives his team the best chance to win
  • Doesn't need all the credit
  • Helps his opponent up when they get knocked down
  • Back cuts hard when he's overplayed
  • Knows how to talk constructively in the heat of a game
  • Shares his emotion with his teammates
  • Sprints back on defense after he scores
  • Sprints back on defense after he turns it over
  • Knows the tendencies of all 5 guys on the floor for us
  • Never gets tired
  • Doesn't pound his chest
  • Is constantly talking
  • Never takes a play off
  • Enjoys the success of his teammates
  • Is disciplined
  • Knows the time and score
  • Wins the toughness plays
  • Can take critical instruction in the heat of a game
  • Is all about winning


Your Composure Gives Them Confidence


Are They Responding To Your Voice Or Your Standards?