Elite Teams...
- Play for each other
- Communicate directly
- Commit to constant performance improvement
- Get to class on time
- Practice good habits
- Recognize the long term value in their approach
- Confront bad behavior
- Offer critical feedback to the coaching staff in the proper setting
- Get over someone yelling at them quickly
- Do not take criticism personally
- Enjoy the hard stuff
- Adapt constantly
- Compete relentlessly
- Lead from the middle
- Don't care about status
- Can beat you in a lot of ways
- Eliminate rank from the conversation
- Turn values into behaviors
- Hear the coach's voice in their heads on the weekends
- Take care of the locker room themselves
- Limit their egos for the good of the team
- Get up early
- Form connections through shared experiences away from the gym
- Don't always do the right thing... but own up to their mistakes
- Understand the power of choices
- Relentlessly seek the truth
- Practice competitive excellence
- Find an efficient approach in the gym
- Learn to evaluate their process
- Are not defined by results
- Understand the value of practice
- Put teams away
- Win on the road
- Have a shared purpose
- Grow as people through team culture
- Are willing to fight for their core beliefs every day
- Answer critical questions with "I..."
- Are loud on the court
- Correct mistakes in practice before the coach can say a word
- Take control of the off-season
- Own their approach
- Have great perspective
- Refuse to let one another down
- Recognize down the road the hard stuff was well worth it
- Walk together forever