20 Commandments for a Head Coach
- It's not going to go the way you think it's going to go. Prepare accordingly.
- You are always on. Everything you do and say has an impact.
- They won't believe in what you do if they don't believe in who you are.
- Never blame your players.
- They will forgive your mistakes. They won't forgive you for being fake.
- Be direct and honest - always. They want to play for a coach who gives it to them straight.
- Give them the space to take ownership. The program isn't yours, it's theirs.
- To get an honest read on your culture, don't ask your seniors. Watch your freshmen.
- If you aren't modeling the behavior that you are preaching, stop preaching it.
- The quicker you get over yourself, the better head coach you will be. Every turnover is not a personal attack.
- It's always okay to say "I don't know." But they will always know when you are unprepared.
- The more questions you ask of your players, the more invested they will be.
- Admit your mistakes and show them who you are. Vulnerability creates a safe environment to lay it all on the line.
- Sometimes the horn goes off in practice. It's not a nuclear missile crisis.
- Saying one thing and doing another is the quickest way to lose them.
- Stay under the two-minute mark for all pre/post practice and post game comments. After that it's just noise to them.
- If they can't execute a play in a game, it's your fault, not theirs.
- It's your life. It's still a game to them.
- Practice time and score every day.
- The greatest reward you will get is a text five years from now saying "Thank you for holding me accountable."