Leadership Truths

  • It's a skill that can be taught and developed.
  • We can't ask for it if we don't define it.
  • It's not about you, it's about them.
  • Effective leaders ask a lot of questions.
  • Leadership is behavior, not words on a shooting shirt.
  • If you don't model it, don't expect it.
  • Empowering your team to lead from the middle is powerful.
  • Experience can help, but being older doesn't make you a leader.
  • If they don't get it, it's on you.
  • Listening is an essential skill for great leaders.
  • Great leaders develop leaders, not followers.
  • Three things genuinely motivate your team - autonomy, mastery and purpose
  • There isn't one model that works - your approach must fit your personality.
  • Your culture isn't what your veterans say, it's what your rookies do.
  • Leaders are grounded in perspective.
  • Everyone on your team can lead if you define it the right way.
  • If they aren't talking enough, you are probably talking too much.
  • The biggest mistake you can make is to say one thing and do another.
  • The medium is the message - your tone speaks really loud.
  • The less you talk, the more your leadership approach is working.
  • They won't believe in what you do if they don't believe in who you are.
  • The traditional leadership model - a few leading many - isn't the most effective way.
  • Platitudes and catch phrases don't equal leadership.
  • What you do is so loud, sometimes they can't hear what you say.
  • Calm is a superpower for effective leaders.
  • When in doubt, do nothing.
  • Expecting more leadership out of certain people means you expect less out of others.
  • Leaders are fans - they openly appreciate the right approach.
  • Leaders are genuinely curious about others.
  • A lack of authenticity is the quickest way to lose them.
  • It's not yours, it's theirs.


"Help Them Help Themselves"


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