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"The happiest people I know are those that really care about others and service to others. Most grumpy people I know are generally selfish types and upset about something that’s not going right for them. You want to be happy? Genuinely care about your family, friends and teammates are doing and how you can help them." - Stan Van Gundy

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Escalation of Commitment

We often get so committed to a certain way of doing things that we can see an alternate path to success. We are sure we are right, and the answer is just to commit more, to work harder. We do this often as coaches, just "keep grinding" as a solution to our lack of success.

This opened my eyes as a trap we fall into as coaches a lot. From Adam Grant's book, Think Again.

When we dedicate ourselves to a plan and it isn't going as we hoped, our first instinct isn't usually to rethink it. Instead, we tend to double down and sink more resources in the plan. This pattern is called escalation of commitment. Evidence shows that entrepreneurs persist with failing strategies when they should pivot, NBA general managers and coaches keep investing in new contracts and more playing time for draft busts, and politicians continue sending soldiers to wars that didn't need to be fought in the first place. Sunk costs are a factor, but the most important causes appear to be psychological rather than economic. Escalation of commitment happens because we're rationalizing creatures, constantly searching for self-justifications for our prior beliefs as a way to soothe egos, shield our images, and validate our past decisions.

Escalation of commitment is a major factor in preventable failures. Ironically, it can be filed by one of the most celebrated engines of success: grit. Grit is the combination of passion and perseverance, and research shows that it can play an important role in motivating us to accomplish long-term goals. When it comes to rethinking, though, grit may have a dark side. Experiments show that gritty people are more likely to overplay their hands in roulette and more willing to stay the course in tasks at which they're failing and success is impossible. Researchers have even suggested that gritty mountaineers are more likely to die on expeditions, because they're determined to do whatever it takes to reach the summit. There's a fine line between heroic persistence and foolish stubbornness. Sometimes the best kind of grit is gritting our teeth and turning around.

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My First Team

Every team you coach will teach you a great deal, as long as you are open to improvement. Perhaps no team will teach you more than the first one you lead. Looking back on my first year as a head coach, at Rhode Island College in 2005, these are the key lessons I learned.

They won't really play for you until they trust you. Be clear, concise and demanding. But make sure you are straight up with them - always.

They'll trust you when you trust them. It's a two-way street. If they see you believe in them, they'll believe in you.

Think long-term over short-term. This will be hard, but crucial.

Talent matters. Having some success as you are trying to figure it out is important. It's so much harder to create anything through losing.

Change is hard, but necessary. Things will be different with a new leader. Change is happening, and tangible change they can see has a big impact.

Avoid the urge to fit in and be liked. Even the best kids will find the easy way out, and you may not notice it.

Inconsistency hammers your credibility. Make all the mistakes you want. Own up to them. But don't ever say one thing and do another.

It's okay if you don't know. Admit it and show some vulnerability. It will create safety within your team, where they won't be afraid to make a mistake.

What you say off the floor matters more. It matters a lot more than what you say in the gym. Really get to know them.

Someone may have to go. You might have to remove a player that you like, who can really help you, for the long-term culture of the organization.

Talking about last year is counterproductive. It only creates resentment. Leave last year alone.

Define your defensive system. No matter how you want to play. The most important basketball decision I made.

Put your culture first - always. As hard as it may be, if you are only thinking about winning the game tomorrow, you are going to lose that game more often than not. Shortcuts to victory are not sustainable.

Talk to them in behaviors. Take all of your values, principles and buzzwords and figure outwit they look like on the basketball court. Then get them to do that.

The game honors toughness. A core value that travels with you always. Smart and tough wins.

Don't put them in a box. Resist the urge to define who they are. Let them be themselves, and see what they are good at. The more you tell them what to do and who to be, the lower their ceiling.

Create ownership. Ask a lot of questions. You want decision-makers at the point of attack. Create leaders, not followers. Compliant teams have a less potential.

The simpler the better - they will believe in you quicker if it makes sense to them. "A cluttered mind equals slow feet" - Stan Van Gundy. They'll buy-in if they understand it.

Conditioning is a separator. Other teams just aren't doing it that much. A team that knows it is in great shape is really mentally tough.

They don't really care how much you know - ever. What they really care about is if you are making them better. Once the know you are, you've got em.

You can't fool them. Even the dumb ones. Trust me.

Practice your timeouts. The right message delivered properly in 25 or 45 seconds... just isn't that easy. Work on it.

It's theirs, not yours. Don't ever forget it.

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"True To His Own Contradictions"

A great quote about Jackie Robinson from Gerald Early, as told by Kostyra Kennedy in his great book "True: The Four Seasons of Jackie Robinson."

"Jackie was true to his own contradictions, which a lot of people are not. We all have contradictions. Very few of us fit into a neat box of ideas and values if we really challenge ourselves. But many people swallow those contradictions as a way to belong to a larger group. Robinson didn't necessarily do that. He wouldn't likely be doing that now."

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Best Practices

I'm a big believer in sharing best practices. But do we do enough to challenge what we are doing, even when it is working? Continuing to get better, despite your success, is a key to sustained elite performance. This will make you think.

From Adam Grant's book, Think Again.

In performance cultures, people often become attached to best practices. The risk is that once we've declared a routine the best, it becomes frozen in time. We preach about its virtues and stop questioning its vices, no longer curious about where its imperfect and where it could improve. Organizational learning should be an ongoing activity, but best practices imply it has reached an endpoint. We might be better off looking for better practices.

At NASA, although teams routinely debriefed after both training simulations and significant operational events, what sometimes stood in the way of exploring better practices was a performance culture that held people accountable for outcomes. Every time they delayed a scheduled launch, they faced widespread public criticism and threats to funding. Each time they celebrated a flight that made it into orbit, they were encouraging their engineers to focus on the fact that the launch resulted in a success rather than on the faulty processes that could jeopardize future launches. That left NASA regarding luck and repeating problematic practices, failing to rethink what qualified as acceptable risk. It wasn't for a lack of ability. After all, these were rocket scientists.

Focusing on results might be good for short-term performance, but it can be an obstacle to long-term learning. Sure enough, social scientists find that when people are held accountable only for whether the outcome was a success or failure, they are more likely to continue with ill-fated courses of action. Exclusively praising and rewarding results is dangerous because it breeds overconfidence in poor strategies incentivizing people to keep doing thins the way they've always done them. It isn't until a high-stakes decision goes horribly wrong that people pause to examine their practices.

We shouldn't have to wait until a space shuttle explodes or an astronaut nearly drowns to determine whether a decision was successful. Along with outcome accountability, we can create process accountability by evaluating how carefully different options are considered as people make decisions. A bad decision process is based on shallow thinking. A good process is grounded in deep thinking and rethinking, enabling people to form and express independent opinions. Research sows that when we have to explain procedures behind our decisions in real time, we think more critically process the possibilities more thoroughly.

Challenging your best practices, despite your success, is a huge key to sustaining elite performance. And as a basketball coach, it's very hard to do - because our results are public and how we are judged. Yet process accountability is huge in creating a championship culture.

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Sustaining Elite Success

What I learned about sustaining elite success when I was the head coach at Rhode Island College, from my book Entitled To Nothing:

As we moved the program forward after 2007 there were some key components that played an important role in sustaining our level of success.

Define Yourself Clearly and Simply

You need a clear vision of who you want to be as an organization. And you have to make this clear and simple for your team.

Our first core value was “compete.” That was how we defined ourselves. Our definition of competing was “your best effort always, without compromise.” Nothing could get in the way of how hard we played. Ever.

The behavior was defined clearly every day. We celebrated competing in practice. The first one to dive on the floor for a loose ball. Sprinting back after a turnover. Keeping an offensive rebound alive. We showed the behaviors on film. There was no doubt about what competing looked like.

Define the core values and standards for your program clearly and in simple terms. Your values are who you are as a team—and you should define them as behaviors. Your standards are the benchmarks of your conduct. They are how you measure and evaluate what you do.

A clear vision of who you are, for everyone in your organization, is essential to sustain elite success.


The culture of your organization needs to align with who you are, but also with the beliefs of your institution. If you are the President or CEO and you report to the board, your beliefs need to align with theirs. If you are a head coach, you need alignment with your athletic director and the school President. You also need to fill your team with people who are aligned. This doesn’t mean you can’t have differences of opinion. But your decisions should always be made with the vision and values of your organization in mind.

You have to be true to yourself. You also have to recruit and retain talent for your organization, and their comfort level is important. To do that in an environment where powerful influences are fighting over the direction of the program is very challenging—and I’d say unsustainable.

Live your culture every day. Your team will as well. They should be walking billboards for what you believe in. If you don’t have align‐ ment, and your culture isn’t something worth fighting for to them, it will be difficult to achieve at a high level.

You can have some success with some outliers, but it will be hard to sustain it at an elite level without true alignment. Get everyone on board with your vision and values.

Culture First – Always

Do you remember the story of Benjy Nichols in my first off-season? He didn’t want to run because his teammates had been missing class. He spoke up, and he walked away. He never played for us again.

That day was one of the most important days in establishing our culture. I was scared as it was happening, not knowing if it was going to cause a mutiny. And I hadn’t planned it. But I stood firm on our culture, and what we were really about. We were going to handle ourselves a certain way off the court.

From that point forward, our guys knew that if they tested me (or what we believed in) that I wouldn’t flinch. You have to be willing to sacrifice talent for your culture. In fact, if you don’t at some point lose someone talented who isn’t really bought in to your culture, something is probably wrong. The sacrifice necessary for elite success is not for everyone.

Always put your culture first. That means making some very tough decisions and losing some talent that you feel can help your team. In the short term, it can be very hard. But over the long haul, any cracks in your culture will be devastating and almost impossible to overcome.

Create Ownership

The idea of ownership is all over this book because my teams at Rhode Island College showed me how it translates to sustained, elite success. Ownership is in the fabric of high performing teams. A lack of ownership is one of the most common differences between good teams and elite teams.

Your values, your standards, and your overall culture—they need to be things that are worth fighting for. To be willing to fight for it, it has to be theirs. It can’t just be something they hear from the boss every day. They have to own it.

Creating ownership comes down to how much control you are willing to give up. You are the leader, and you set the tone and guide the process. But let your players own it. Ask a lot of questions and listen as much as you can. Ask them about the core values and how they would define them. When something doesn’t meet your stan‐ dards, don’t declare that what they did isn’t good enough. Ask ques‐ tions: Is that good enough for us? Does that meet our standard? What are we going to do about it?

Don’t just get them to buy into what you believe. Get them to tell you what they believe. Get them to talk and be willing to listen. It’s extremely powerful when you can say to your group, “this is what you told me you wanted,” when something hard is on the horizon. It’s just as powerful when they hold each other accountable to your standards before you do. They will learn to compete for one another, and the strength of that approach will carry your culture.

The Value of Talent

With all the talk of the importance of culture, it’s easy to forget about the talent. Getting buy-in to the difficult stuff you need to do to win big is significantly easier if they are capable of meeting your demands. Talented individuals can do the hard stuff easier, and when they realize they can do it, they’ll buy into it quicker.

It seems obvious that to sustain a high level of success, you need to have talent. But it gets overlooked more than you think. Not every person you hire, or recruit, is going to be a foot soldier for your values or a great culture guy. But they might be able to consistently perform, and that’s also really important.

Look for natural talent. Guys who make difficult tasks look comfort‐ able, and guys who can adjust on the fly with ease. The right fit for your culture can’t be the only measure. Acquire the talent to succeed, and it will help advance your culture more than you think.

If your culture is right and your players take ownership of it, you can absorb some talent that isn’t as naturally bought in to your approach. The strength of your culture and the leadership of your team will give you a feel for who you can take and how they’ll fit. You need talent to sustain success and advance your culture. Don’t take that for granted.

Not Good Enough

The flip side to the talent paradigm is to make sure you have some teammates who “aren’t good enough.” I’ll explain to you what I mean.

At RIC I was blessed with a number of talented players who we didn’t recruit, Cam Stewart, for example, a key member of our Elite Eight run. Some of them showed up unknowingly. We always had a tryout to give kids a chance, and I started to notice a trend. Not only did we usually keep a couple of those guys every year, one or two of them would usually find their way into the lineup. They became key players for us.

Cameron Stewart. Nick Manson. Darius Debnam. Ethan Gaye. Jacob Page. These weren’t just good teammates who competed hard in practice. They started for us in NCAA Tournaments. Manson and

Debnam started on back-to-back Sweet 16 teams, and I didn’t recruit either one of them. Darius actually came to RIC after we told him we didn’t think he was good enough, and we wouldn’t have room for him. He was a two-year captain on Sweet 16 teams. Think about that for a second. Cam Stewart scored almost 1,000 points in his career.

The guys who “weren’t good enough,” so to speak, did so much to drive our culture. They were the glue to it. We had some elite talent and that was a big part of our success. But the program kids, the ones who had to fight and scratch for their place on the team every day – they were the ones most responsible for our approach. And it was the approach that made our success sustainable. Their hunger, commitment and toughness drove our organization.

John Beilein always said, “Never underestimate the value of a low- maintenance player.” We made it a point to find room for kids who were dying to be a part of it. It mattered to us a lot, and it should matter to you. Find a place within your organization for people with something to prove and reward their contributions. They will become the heartbeat of your team.

Be Flexible

Our championship culture was always fluid. It was constantly evolv‐ ing, as was my approach. We had our basic core values, but that didn’t mean we were averse to trying something new. If you aren’t adapting, you aren’t getting better. You are likely getting worse.

In my seventh year at RIC, the dynamics of our roster had changed. We lost the best point guard in the league, Antone Gray, who was also the best leader I had ever coached. He led us to back-to-back Sweet Sixteens and four straight NCAA Tournaments. While we still had talent, our two best players that next year were forwards, and my new point guard was more of a tough, physical player than a jet.

We were a fast team that liked to play in transition and go off the dribble, but our personnel didn’t fit that style anymore. Our three best players all were physical and got their work done inside. So instead of our wide open, dribble-drive attack, we went to a flex offense—a structured approach that relied on simple screens and pattern passing. I was never a big fan of the flex because I didn’t like the spacing, and I wanted our guards to have room to create. But it fit our personnel better that year, so in year seven, as a head coach, we made a major change. We went on to advance to the second round of the NCAA Tournament, running an offense I really didn’t like. But I was flexible enough to make a major change to fit our personnel.

The most dangerous phrase for organizational success is “because that’s how we’ve always done it.” If you aren’t adapting, you are getting worse. You can stick to your core values and still be flexible. It’s one of the toughest challenges you’ll face, but it’s essential to sustain success.

Be Consistent

Be flexible and consistent? Sounds like a contradiction, but it isn’t.

The reason why your culture has to be clearly defined and explained, and aligned with everything you believe in, is because your players need to see you living it. They have to see it in your behavior. When they see that, they’ll know how much it really means to you, and it will mean more to them.

You must be consistent. Your team is smart, and you aren’t going to fool them. They don’t have to hear it to know it. Your culture has to be who you are, and you have to live it on and off the court, in season and out. You can do it and still make the necessary changes to be successful.

A consistent approach with a flexible mindset can certainly work. Inconsistency in your approach will create cracks in your culture that you’ll never be able to repair. Be consistent in how you live your culture every day.

Fight Entitlement Aggressively

After our Elite Eight run in 2007, I wanted our players to own our success. High expectations were part of the deal and we needed to handle the pressure of being the best. Our warmup shirts had “The Champ Is Here” on the back of them, and we took the floor at the Murray Center to the Jadakiss song of the same name. We talked about being the best team in the league. We prepared that way and carried ourselves that way—with confidence and class. We were picked to finish first in our league in eight of our nine years, and we embraced it every year.

Along with that confidence and the success came a sense of entitle‐ ment. We expected success to happen to us, and we lost some aware‐ ness of the approach necessary to achieve it.

Entitlement is poison for elite cultures. It can get into your system without much notice and it gradually erodes the foundation of your success. As a leader, you must have your radar up and expect it. The confidence that comes with achievement naturally evolves into an expectation of success, and the process can easily suffer. Adapting and staying ahead of the curve is critical.

We started to take for granted what we had built, and I had to fight the entitled mentality aggressively. We no longer appreciated what we had done, or what it would take to maintain it. We talked about what was important to us. Were we happy with one championship or did we want to sustain an elite level of success? Did we want to do it again?

I reminded our guys every day how lucky we were to be a part of something special. We had long conversations about it. We cele‐ brated our competitive excellence and recognized our commitment to one another. We appreciated the people around us who helped us achieve our goals. Winning a championship wasn’t a defining moment for us. The preparation would define us. Not just as a team, but for the rest of our lives.

When I asked my team how they felt about our program, the one word that kept coming up was “grateful.” Grateful to be a part of it. Grateful to have my teammates. Grateful for the opportunity.

Being grateful was a perfect way to combat entitlement creeping into our program. As we moved forward, we decided we would be “Grateful for everything, entitled to nothing.” It became the core of our program.

Recognizing and aggressively combating the entitlement that came along with our success allowed us to sustain it for nine years.

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"The best coaches understand when they need to change, and what they need to do to be effective moving forward." - Hal Nunnally, Randolph-Macon

When I first became a head coach, we had a late game defense we called "3D" where we switched everything. In our regular man to man we never switched, but late in games when we were winning in the final minute and we wanted to take the 3-point line away, we'd switch to our 3D to better guard the line.

One game at home in my 3rd year against Keene State (our big rival), we didn't execute. We gave up an open 3 off of a missed switch with about 20 seconds left, when one of my freshmen reacted too late and left a shooter open. We ended up losing the game in overtime.

After that loss I started to re-think my strategy. We never, ever switched in our regular man to man defense. We did practice our 3D in time and score situations, but it wasn't something we did a lot. Why was I asking my players to do something different defensively, something we rarely did, on the most important possession of the game? As I thought more about it, I didn't feel like I was putting them in the best position to win. I know a lot of teams just switch everything late, and I was probably doing it because that was conventional thinking. You see a lot of teams get caught on bad switches in big spots. As I thought more about it, it didn't make sense. I decided to scrap 3D. We never switched late again.

In the 2010-2011 season at RIC we were really good. We won 21 games, won our league regular season and post-season, and went to the NCAA Tournament. We went to Oswego State for the first two rounds. After winning our first round game against Penn St.-Behrend, we played Oswego to go to the Sweet 16.

Early in the second half we were in a back and forth battle with a small lead, but we couldn't get away from them. They were getting in the paint and scoring on us too easily close to the rim. After about a minute or two in the second half I said to my staff "we may have to do something different. We can't stop them." They were in such a good rhythm on offense and I didn't think we could win the game without finding a way to stop them.

We were the best defensive team in our league that year and we played exclusively man to man. We had played, literally, one possession of zone all season - at Eastern Connecticut, out of a time out with a short shot clock. Other than that, we hadn't changed defenses all year. But we had to do something different at Oswego, so we went to zone. And they stopped scoring. We never came out of it. We played zone the last 17 minutes of the game and won pretty easily, heading to the Sweet 16.

After that 2011 season, and back to back Sweet 16 appearances, we lost a lot of good players, including our starting backcourt. We lost two all-league players who could really go off the dribble and get into the paint. Our best guard coming back, Tahrike Carter, was more of a power combo guard than a pure point guard. He scored in the post, but wasn't as quick off the dribble. Our other two best players were our 4 and 5 man, the best players in our league at their position. They posted up and got to the rim.

We had always run a fast-paced, wide open dribble drive offense. We had guards who could go, and we wanted to spread the floor and get into the paint. We kept it pretty simple. But with our 3 best players now being guys who were better inside and posting up than they were off the dribble, so I had to re-think our approach. Instead of going with the dribble drive, we went with a tight flex offense.

I was never a big fan of the flex - I always preferred a wide open floor where we could attack off the dribble and make plays. But we didn't have the same personnel we usually had at RIC, so we made an adjustment. I had to re-think our entire offensive approach. In 2012-13 we went 26-4 and won our league again with a 13-1 record, playing with a completely different offense.

One of the biggest basketball mistakes I made as the head coach at Maine was heading into my third year. We had recruited very well our first two years, and we were playing as one of the fastest teams in the country. Pressing on defense, playing with an open floor on offense, constantly on attack. We had the most athletic team in our league by far.

After that second year, however, we lost our 5 best athletes - one of them to graduation, and the other four transferred (we ended up losing 9 kids to "up" transfers over 4 years). We replaced them with some recruits in the spring, but we went from being one of the more athletic teams in the country to certainly the least athletic team in our league. And I failed to re-think how we were going to play. We started the year with the same approach to defense, flying around and attacking, yet we didn't have the athletes to be successful playing that way. I realized about halfway through the year that I wasn't putting our guys in the best position to win because I hadn't re-thought my approach.

It's so easy to get stuck in a rut with how you do things as a coach, especially if you've had some success. The default response is we just need to do it better, or work harder, because we know it's not the system - the system works. But how often do you re-think your approach and examine the best way to operate as a program? Our personnel is constantly changing, so it makes sense that we are ready to change to get the most out of it.

Don't be afraid to re-think as a coach, regardless of how much success you have had. It's a process that will continue to make your program better.

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Learning Cultures Vs. Performance Cultures

From Adam Grant's book, Think Again.

Rethinking is more likely to happen in a learning culture, where growth is a core value and rethinking cycles are routine. In learning cultures, the norm is for people to know what they don't know, doubt their existing practices, and stay curious about new routines to try out. Evidence shows that in learning cultures, organizations innovate more and make fewer mistakes. After studying and advising change initiatives at NASA and the Gates Foundation, I've learned that learning cultures thrive under a particular combination of psychological safety and accountability.

Over the last few years, psychological safety has become a buzzword in many workplaces. Although leaders might understand its significance, they often misunderstand exactly what it is and how to create it. Psychological safety is not a matter of relaxing standards, making people comfortable, being nice and agreeable, or giving unconditional praise. It's fostering a climate of respect, trust, and openness in which people can raise concerns and suggestions without fear of reprisal. It's the foundation of a learning culture.

In performance cultures, the emphasis on results often undermines psychological safety. When we see people get finished for failures and mistakes, we become worried about proving our competence and protecting our careers. We learn to engage in self-limiting behavior, biting our tongues rather than voicing questions and concerns. Sometimes that's due to power distance: We're afraid of challenging the big boss at the top. The pressure to conform to authority is real, and those who dare to deviate run the risk of backlash. In performance cultures, we also censor ourselves in the presence of experts who seem to know all the answers - especially if we lack confidence in our own expertise.

As coaches, we always say we are in a results-based business (In reality, what business isn't?). Can you foster a learning culture, as opposed to a performance culture, to maximize success when the results are the bottom line?

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Family or Team?

3x5 Leadership looks into the question - are we a family or a team?

I don't think we value being part of a team enough, or do enough to understand the dynamics of elite teams. I've never liked to call my team a family, for one simple reason - my love for my family is unconditional. Being a part of a high-performing team is highly conditional. "Family" has long been a buzzword in athletics, but I don't think it's genuine. If you keep screwing up on our team, you won't be on the team very long. That is not what happens in a family.

3x5 takes a look at the question from both sides.


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Zone Attack

Why do teams switch to zone? It's rare that a team plays zone as their main defense, usually they are going to zone as their change-up. They may play it because they don't think you can shoot, or you run a lot of great stuff and they don't want to guard it. They may play it because you are too quick for them and have too many playmakers. They may go zone just to get you out of your rhythm if you are playing well offensively.

There are a lot of reasons that team go to zone, but most of them center around one central idea - they are hoping that you will change your approach offensively, that you will slow down and stare at the zone. They want to take you out of your offensive flow and keep you from creating good shots through motion or ball movement.

Attacking zone to me is much more about what you emphasize than what you run. It is about the way you play against the zone, not which plays you call. They want you to stand around and stare at it. They don't want you in any sort of flow, with ball movement, spacing and hard cuts making you hard to guard. As a coach, you need to figure out how you want to play against a zone, and teach those habits to your team, before you teach them what plays to run. You can keep your offensive flow going by teaching your kids the big picture concepts of how you want to attack, versus being specific about where to stand, where to flash and where to throw the ball.

I start by defining the offensive players you want to see against zone. What does good zone offense look like to you? For me, it was always three things - 1) Ball Movement (make the zone shift) 2) Play Inside-Out (make the zone collapse) and 3) Expose the gaps.

"Both sides, inside out, expose the gaps." That's how we want to attack the zone, no matter what offense we are running, we are calling set plays or we are playing in transition. We made sure we defined each one specifically so our guys understood the behavior.

  1. Ball Movement - swing the ball to both sides of the floor quickly, to make the zone shift.
  2. Inside-Out - Get the ball (and people) into the middle of the zone, either with a pass or dribble.
  3. Expose The Gaps - Once we've moved the ball and gotten some penetration, we will create gaps on the zone between defenders. Our goal is to expose those gaps - sit in a gap when you are cutting through, call for the ball as you flash in to a gap, or dribble penetrate when you see the zone open up.

My teams would hear me say "Expose the gaps" an awful lot against a zone, whether we were running a play or not. Even if we were running a set play against a zone in practice, if we opened up a gap and didn't expose it - sitting a cutter in there or getting the ball in there - practice would stop. Everything we were doing was really to create gaps on the zone, and when we did we wanted to attack that gap. That was the freedom I wanted our guys to have in zone attack.

I love a good zone offense and there are a lot of great zone sets out there that can create good looks for you. But no matter what we are running, our goal is the same. I'm fine if you want to run sets or offense against zone. But I just wouldn't get so into a routine that your team becomes robotic and is easy to guard. That is what the zone wants. They want to see you moving in a sequence, where they can follow you and match up. Give your guys the freedom to make plays against the zone, and the way to do that is teach them the concepts you want them to use.

I do think zone offense is an area where being less specific can make your players better. Figure out what behaviors fit your team that will help you beat a zone, and define those behaviors for your players. Teach them concepts, not specifics, first against a zone. The offense you decide to run should be built off of those concepts, not the other way around. Zone offense is about the habits you emphasize, not the plays you run.

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In game 5, Draymond Green bounced back from an awful start to the NBA Finals with 8 points, 8 rebounds and 6 assists in the Warriors big win. He played 35 minutes, which is what he averaged in the first four games. Steve Kerr has done a great job managing Green, a key player on championship teams for the Warriors who had been playing awful for the Celtics.

Give Steve Kerr a ton of credit for how he has handled Draymond. He benched him late in Game 4 and still got some key plays out of him. And then he got his best game from him in Game 5.

I wrote this yesterday, before the start of game 5, on the challenge a coach faces when one of his best players isn't playing well:

Draymond Green is shooting 23% from the field and has 6 baskets through 4 games in the NBA Finals. He is averaging 7 rebounds and 6 assists, but he has more fouls committed than points scored. He's playing 35 minutes per game, only 2 minutes per game less than the other Golden State starters. He's an average of -1.8 per game. Kevon Looney is shooting 72% from the field and averaging 7 points and 9 rebounds per game, playing just 22 minutes per game. Looney is a team best +9.0 over the 4 games.

Steve Kerr has a tough challenge in front of him. What do you do when one of your main dudes isn't playing well? Kerr showed his hand a bit in game 4, benching Green for a few minutes in the 4th quarter before bringing him back late - where Green made 2 big plays to help them win the game. But Kerr showed his hand, at least in that he's not afraid to mix it up and take Green out if he's not playing well.

To me this is one of the hardest in-game decisions a head coach needs to make - do I go with the starter who has been a key guy all year even if he's not playing well, or do I go to the bench with someone who might not be as good, but is playing better right now? There's nothing that bothered me more than looking at a box score after a game that I lost, and seeing I gave a lot of minutes to one of my starters when he wasn't playing well, especially when there was another guy playing well who didn't get many minutes.

While this is an in-game decision, realistically it's something you want to decide before the game starts. Chip Kelly says you should make your tough decisions "in air-conditioned rooms," meaning you need to talk out the scenarios ahead of time and decide what you are going to do when the situation arises. When we had a starter who wasn't playing well over a period of games, I'd make sure to tell my staff to get him out if he wasn't playing well - I'd say "we can't roll with X if he's not playing well." It would be part of our approach to the game.

The NBA Finals obviously provides a unique situation - I mean, it is a little wild to play the same team possibly 7 times a row over 2 weeks, isn't it? This actually gives Kerr a lot more time to decide what to do with Draymond. After 3 games of Draymond struggling, he finally adjusted his rotation - albeit slightly - down the stretch in game 4. With the series tied at 2 he's got a tough call still in front of him.

I've always felt that most coaches will go with the proven veteran in this situation, but a lot of that is self-serving. It's more comfortable to stick with the starter, hoping he can turn it around. If you go with the starter and he struggles, the narrative is about the player and how he didn't play well. If you make a change and do something different, and your team loses, the narrative becomes about the decision you made as a coach. I do think a lot of coaches are afraid to make a change due to self-preservation.

When a guy has proven himself and is clearly one of your best players - and he's helped you win - you are certainly going to give him a little freedom to have a bad day. You aren't just going to yank guys every time they struggle. But you do need the courage to do what is best for your team in that moment, and it requires a feel for the short-term mentality of your team.

I'm usually going to fall on the side of going with the guys who are playing the best, versus sticking with the starter when they aren't playing well. I don't think it's an absolute, but I hate looking at the box score after a loss and seeing someone who played really well that only got 10-15 minutes of playing time. I think the value of playing a lot of guys and developing depth shows up in these situations. You just need the conviction to finish games with some different line-ups and make sure your guys are bought in to your approach.

Who to play late in games is never easy. In college, we don't get 7-game series to evaluate our guys over two weeks. Usually it's an in-the-moment decision. When all your top guys are playing well, you don't have a lot of decisions to make. But when things don't all go your way, and one of your guys is really struggling, what are you going to do? Do you go with the guy you've always counted on, or do you go with the hot hand? I'm going with the five guys who are playing the best to finish the game.

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You Aren't Working Out

  • If you stop to check your phone, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't break a sweat, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you are walking after the rebound, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you are talking trash with your boys, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't push yourself to make mistakes, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't challenge your comfort level, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't have a set goal to finish each drill, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If your shoes aren't laced up, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't need a break to shoot free throws, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't get your heart rate up, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't need to warm up and stretch first, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you take a break to eat, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you walk after the ball to retrieve it, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't work on your weak hand, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't have a long term improvement plan, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you are moving at a comfortable pace, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you are chopping it up on the bleachers, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you don't keep track of makes and misses, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you decide to shoot some half-court shots, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you go to your phone to skip to the next song, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.
  • If you aren't intentional about your improvement, you are shooting around, you aren't working out.

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Delivering Your Message

“Many communicators try to make themselves look smart. Great listeners are more interested in making their audience feel smart.” - Adam Grant, Think Again

Think about how you deliver your message to your team. What is your goal?

My ability to deliver the right message to my team has evolved over the years. When you first become a head coach you really prepare to make sure you know exactly what you are talking about in front of the team. You think about exactly what you want to say and make sure you are comfortable getting it across. Although it wasn't intentional, my approach was really to make myself "look smart." I was just worried about what I knew, and how I was going to say it.

Over time I started to think more about getting the message across. I could see reactions in the players faces, and I could tell whether or not the message was resonating. Then when we went out on the floor, usually I could see some level of impact in their approach. If the message did get across there would be a tangible response.

John Wooden used to say "You haven't taught until they have learned." There are plenty of times as a head coach where you have an important message to relay, but circumstances may dictate if or how you deliver it. After a tough practice, when your team is dead tired, they may not be ready to receive any message. I've learned any long talks after practice or a game usually fell on deaf ears. It wasn't about the message I was prepared to deliver (and how smart I looked), it was about their ability to receive the message (and how smart they felt).

The quote above from Adam Grant really makes me think about how I deliver the message. Early in my career, I felt good if I got to all of my bullet points and deliver them succinctly and with presence. It didn't really matter how my team felt. But great communicators are also great listeners, and they have a feel for their audience. You should have this type of feel for your team. Your goal, when you deliver the message, is to make them feel smart.

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Golden State's Front Office

Terrific look inside Golden State's approach to rebuilding their team while still competing for a championship. So many great gems in here.

Inside the Warriors’ restructured front office at the end of a validating NBA Finals season

Preseason. Los Angeles. An overall meaningless night to the viewing public in what was then known as Staples Center. But the stakes were high in regard to the Warriors’ 15th and final roster spot for the 2021-22 season. The decision was between Avery Bradley and Gary Payton II. The franchise legends preferred Bradley, the known commodity. The front office wanted Payton, a gem they felt they’d discovered. Another option: Neither. Leaving the spot open would save millions in luxury tax penalties. The internal debates were lively.

The competition tilted Bradley’s direction when Payton had hernia surgery a month before training camp and wasn’t able to get on the court. He was running out of time to win the spot. To secure an NBA job, Payton needed to make a statement. He convinced the training staff he was well enough for the green light in Los Angeles, however brief.

Payton entered late in the first quarter. He had a putback, dunk and layup within his first 121 seconds on the court. Two more dunks came a bit later. So did a block and a steal. His night — and entire preseason audition — only lasted 11 minutes. He didn’t even play in the preseason finale. But the impact of his performance swept through the organization like juicy gossip. Payton’s style isn’t subtle.

At one point during Payton’s stint, Steph Curry stood up from his seat on the bench, turned towards the crowd and locked eyes with Bob Myers, the president of basketball operations, seated about five rows back, next to a beaming Joe Lacob.

“Steph turned and gave me an, ‘All right, all right … ‘” Myers said while sharing the story this week, his head nodding and shoulders shrugged, hands in the air, mimicking Curry’s gesture. “I gave him one of those looks, like: ‘See, we’re not idiots. We know a little bit.'”

The rejuvenation of the Warriors — back in the NBA Finals, where they’ll face the Boston Celtics in Game 1 on Thursday night — means a whole lot for a whole lot of people at every level of the organization. Job security. Future earnings. Legacy building. Reputation defining. Career affirming. Winning sprays credit in every direction. Everybody eats. That includes the restructured, bolstered front office.

For the Warriors’ basketball operations collective, this has been a season of vindication. It’s been doubted, scrutinized and derided since Golden State lost the 2019 NBA Finals to the Toronto Raptors. This run to the championship stage is validation for a sharpened process, a string of new hires, some recent draft picks, their roster additions, their way of doing business. Most of all, for the ambition of their highly scrutinized two-timeline plan, which supposed the Warriors could simultaneously draft, protect and develop the future while pursuing a championship in the present. Even their star players were skeptical.

“If it was up (to the veteran players), we would’ve all loved to have (added) a ton of experience,” Draymond Green said recently on his podcast, The Draymond Green Show. “They thought totally different. Ultimately, we went with that side of things. They were 100 percent right. So you have to give them credit for going out on that limb with the highest payroll in the NBA and saying, ‘No, we think we can get it done that way and that’s the route we’re going to go.'”

The credit for finding Payton begins with Kent Lacob. The younger son of the team’s CEO cut his teeth scouting the G-League. The Warriors use Santa Cruz as a front office proving ground. Ryan Atkinson was the GM down there. He’s since been promoted to a more prominent role within the Warriors’ front office, replaced as Sea Dubs GM by rising front office voice David Fatoki.

Kent and Atkinson put Payton on the radar of Nick U’Ren, the Warriors’ director of basketball operations. Myers always wants a few G-League names ready if a roster spot opens. He relies on that crew’s expertise in the minors. When the Warriors traded Marquese Chriss and Brad Wanamaker at the 2021 trade deadline, they had a floating 14th roster spot that needed to be filled. That’s when Payton’s name first landed on Myers’ desk.

“What kind of guy is he? What do you think he does best? Basic stuff,” Myers said. “Then ultimately I’ll go with the recommendation. I can’t pretend to say I’ve watched as much Payton as Kent has. That’d be dumb. That’d be arrogant and wrong.”

It was a win for every layer of an expanding front office. From the Santa Cruz brain trust to U’Ren in the San Francisco front office, to head coach Steve Kerr, who was convinced by U’Ren, Kerr’s former special assistant, that Payton was worth keeping.

“They can question anything they want,” Myers said of his players. “I want them to. But this idea that they were upset or we bucked what they wanted … It’s an interesting story, but it’s never been uncomfortable. Nobody in the course of the last 10 years, as far as I can remember, I don’t remember a conversation where it was ever uncomfortable. They’ve held up their end of the bargain. But in the same way, so have we. I don’t want that to sound defensive. We haven’t done everything right. But we’ve done some things where it’s given us the benefit of the doubt a little bit.”

Klay Thompson tore his Achilles the day of the 2020 NBA Draft. The Warriors stuck to their established draft board and took James Wiseman at No. 2. But Wiseman, a center, couldn’t replace what they’d suddenly lost in the injury to their star guard. It created a frantic moment of roster reform. The Warriors had a valuable $17.2 million trade exception that was set to expire a few days later. They had a vacancy on the wing and one chip to cash that would vanish soon. Use it or lose it.

Joe Lacob spends aggressively. It’s an ownership quality that separates him from many of his peers and opens up the menu of options for his front office. He not only green-lighted acquiring Kelly Oubre Jr. with that trade exception but also was pushing for it. After going 15-50, Lacob had no interest in another losing season. Even though adding Oubre would incur a massive luxury tax penalty, Lacob wanted to fill the gaping hole on the perimeter. Oubre’s talent and defensive acumen felt like the closest they could get to replace Thompson. But the Warriors’ decision-makers would learn that not every problem can be solved by spending money.

“Fit is always a factor,” Steve Kerr said. “Bill Belichick has a great quote that he uses in general: ‘You’re not building a roster, you’re building a team.'”

Oubre didn’t quite work out for the Warriors. There was some internal belief that perhaps he could’ve been used wiser. Oubre always performed better as an undersized power forward in a smaller, speedier lineup. Just look at the season he completed in Charlotte. Kerr mostly started him at shooting guard. But Kerr had also been handed Wiseman, a rookie center whose developmental needs were both prioritized. So going small wasn’t an option.

“The hard part about that (Oubre) decision was there wasn’t enough time to make it,” Myers said. “Preparation is important. That decision was hastily made because of Klay’s Achilles. I guess if I were to criticize it, it’d be the knee-jerk part of it. But it also could be viewed as a positive because it shows Joe’s willingness to always try.”

The bigger problem: Neither Oubre nor Wiseman fit with the motion, pass-heavy, flowing scheme Kerr runs and both Curry and Green have come to prefer. The front office had gone talent hunting and strayed from what had so often made the Warriors successful in the middle part of the past decade — pairing David West’s passing with Ian Clark’s cutting and Zaza Pachulia’s brute force with JaVale McGee’s lob crushing.

“We never had to live on the margins,” Myers said. “We’re now on the margins more than ever, even though we are in the Finals. Those (Kevin Durant) teams had a huge margin for error. We don’t have that anymore. So how do we create an edge? Analytically you can find them. Player development you can find them.”

Zoom out. Go back to the dreadful 2019-20 season. During that time away from the spotlight, coming on the heels of that dynasty run, the Warriors’ front office finally had time to take a forest view of its operation and examine how best to reorganize and modernize.

Part of the issue with the Oubre addition was the lack of statistical vetting. He doesn’t pass or move much on offense. The tracking data and numbers told that tale, highlighting the unlikeliness of his fitin this particular system. But that warning wasn’t heeded prior to the trigger being pulled.

“When we were on that five-year run, it was really about trying to keep it together,” Myers said. “I spent a lot of energy on keeping us whole. Once that fractured with Kevin leaving, Klay being hurt, Steph getting hurt, it was no longer about the playoffs that season. So let’s spend our time and energy on our process. Meaning analytics, coaching staff, development. I’d say we started thinking deeper.”

What they discovered was an archaic habitat that had lost two valuable old-school voices — Jerry West and Travis Schlenk — while also failing to inject a new-school approach within a league increasingly obsessed with analytics.

They hired Onsi Saleh away from San Antonio on the recommendation of reputed Spurs executive R.C. Buford. Saleh is the Warriors’ new cap guy. Before, the team’s general counsel doubled as the cap guy.

“The Spurs are much more formalized in their meetings and much denser in how they process,” Myers said. “So it’s great to have Onsi. He’s been awesome as far as cap information. Strategic planning. He’s beloved by all our coaches. Super bright. Law degree.”

Pabail Sidhu leads the refurbished analytics department. Mike Dunleavy Jr. and Kirk Lacob have been at the forefront of platforming Sidhu and better integrating his work into the organization’s decision-making. They’ve let him hire a bigger department and plan to let him expand it further.

Sidhu has created his own formula that is used by several departments. It helped the Warriors generate their free agency board last offseason. Their new analytics approach identified Nemanja Bjelica and Otto Porter Jr. as targets who “popped” under this new paradigm.

“A lot of people didn’t celebrate our offseason, in terms of minimum signings,” Myers said. “We actually thought we got what we wanted. A lot of that was backed in analytics and fit. That was a new thing for us.”

Assistant coach Mike Brown uses Sidhu’s formula to generate a defensive metric that rates each player. If they have a bad week, it dips downward and Brown publicizes it to the team. It’s been a strategy that several players believe has raised internal accountability and, in turn, defensive effort.

Kerr, admittedly not an analytics-friendly coach, has come to love expected field goal percentage as a postgame metric. Sidhu’s system judges a player’s typical percentage based on a certain zone, the nearest defender and other varying factors to determine the likelihood of any given shot attempt.

That resulting number, instead of the traditional field goal percentage, gives a more accurate representation of the type of shots created and the health of the offense on any given night. Kerr once referenced the stat during a pregame media session before a game against the Jazz. A Utah media member asked Kerr which tracking system he uses. SportVU? Synergy? One of those other complicated systems?

Kerr expressed confusion.

“Uhh,” Kerr said. “Pabail.”

Sidhu works closest with Atkinson on the Warriors’ coaching staff. Atkinson was on the list of analytically friendly assistant coach candidates the front office presented to Kerr last summer.

“One of the reasons I hired Kenny was his feel for analytics,” said Kerr, who formerly had Sammy Gelfand as his analytics guy before Detroit poached him in 2018. “To have Kenny as the liaison between the coaching staff and the analytics department has been massive. Kenny is really well-versed on that stuff. He’s a believer. This year has been the first time I think we’ve achieved the right balance.”Jordan Poole slicing and dicing against Dallas. (Jack Arent / NBAE via Getty Images)

The Warriors initially hired Mike Dunleavy Jr. in late 2018 to be a pro scout. He lived in New York City and — a 15-year veteran who was the son of an NBA coach — had generated a life-long, league-wide Rolodex. He also happened to live in an area of the country where league intel flowed and the Warriors lacked an insider.

Myers once represented Dunleavy as an agent. Their close friendship clearly played a pivotal role in his hiring and quick ascent up the ranks.

“In this job, you really need confidants,” said Kerr, once a general manager in Phoenix. “You really need someone you can confide in and lean on. I know Mike has meant that to Bob. Mike’s also really bright, played the game, knows the NBA.”

After attending several Eastern Conference games, Dunleavy gained an immediate taste for the profession. He asked for more responsibility. The college basketball season hit its stride and they sent him out to scout. The Warriors spread their executives around the country to watch conference tournaments. Dunleavy was assigned the 2019 Big Ten Tournament. That’s the weekend he became a vocal Jordan Poole believer, convinced the skill, shooting touch and creativity could translate to the NBA if cultivated and developed correctly.

Dunleavy wasn’t alone. LaMont Peterson and Reggie Rankin, the Warriors’ two lead scouts, were on board, and Larry Harris, the assistant general manager in charge of the Warriors’ draft process, became a Poole advocate.

Poole wasn’t without question marks. John Beilein, his college coach, wasn’t the most complimentary of his former player in the pre-draft process. Beilein had become the Cavaliers’ head coach. Cleveland had the 26th pick. The Cavs passed on Poole and selected Dylan Windler. That circumstance gave the Warriors draft room pause. But their consensus big board had Poole as the highest-ranked player when they were on the clock for pick No. 28.

Joe Lacob might be more involved in the draft process than any other owner. He attends workouts, involves himself in interviews and forms strong opinions. He has the power to overrule. But everyone involved insists he listens and empowers those he’s hired.

For example, Lacob was fond of Corey Kispert as an option for the No. 14 pick the Warriors owned in the 2021 draft. But he was prepared to defer to his scouts and the room’s consensus, which had Trey Murphy III as the higher-ranked selection. It didn’t end up mattering. Moses Moody fell to 14. The Warriors had Moody in their top 10.

Myers operates similarly. He and Lacob ultimately make every personnel decision and shoulder the public credit and blame. Still, they maintain a collaborative approach.

“I’ve always taken the tact of ‘I speak the least and I speak last,'” Myers said. “I don’t want to influence your decision. I don’t want to browbeat. I want to give you a full platform to say whatever you want. If I start out in the meeting saying who I like, it’s undoubtedly going to influence what you say.”

The Wiseman, Moody and Jonathan Kuminga draft picks are too early to judge. Kuminga and Moody look like early hits. Wiseman hasn’t been healthy. His rookie season was rough and Kerr, on the coaching side, admits he could have “done better trying to fit James into a more comfortable situation.”

Next season, Wiseman’s third, is massive. The Warriors’ front office always tries to give any draft pick at least three seasons before coming to any strong conclusions. Good thing, too, because Poole didn’t break out until his third season.

Poole’s rapid rise has been one of the most vital factors in reigniting a dormant dynasty. Grabbing him 28th is a defining win for a front office that now includes Dunleavy in a prominent role. Dunleavy, even amid Poole’s early career struggles, was one of the more vocal behind-the-scenes believers Poole was worthy of patience.

His breakout season changes the perception of the Warriors’ recent draft history. Their four-year run of late first-round picks, which include center Damian Jones and wing Jacob Evans, looks so much better now with the growth of Poole and Kevon Looney.

“Probably not a popular choice at the time,” Myers said of the Poole draft. “We had to have conviction. Some people would say we shouldn’t do this because he’s not rated very high in the mock drafts. That stuff is powerful, to be honest. Getting an immediate F is never great. We hear it.”

Dunleavy left New York City in 2019 and moved to the Bay Area, committing full throttle to a front-office role. He’s around the team regularly. He travels on many road trips. He’s a leading voice for many of the daily on-the-ground decisions, as compared to Harris, who runs the scouting leg of the front office from Dallas. Dunleavy’s promotion means the Warriors now need a new scout based on the East Coast. Jonnie West, director of pro personnel, is based in Los Angeles and handles the West Coast.

In comparing the structure to previous versions of the front office, Dunleavy’s advancing role is akin to Schlenk’s. He’s right under Myers from a personnel decision-making standpoint, next to Kirk Lacob, who dabbles between the basketball and business sides. His trajectory seems to be as his father’s likelier successor, running the entire franchise.

Dunleavy wasn’t the only recent hire with playing experience. In 2020, the Warriors convinced Shaun Livingston to join the front office. He currently sits right in that upper layer, next to Kirk Lacob, Dunleavy and Harris.

Livingston’s job is crucial. He’s a connector between the veteran core, the coaching staff and the executive branch. There isn’t another human in the building who can navigate those waters as seamlessly.

“Shaun can say to Bob, ‘Hey, if you do this, this is how Steph’s going to feel and this is what Draymond’s going to think,'” Kerr said. “It might not determine the actual move that’s made, but it could determine the process. It could determine whether you do something or not.”

Myers said they sought Livingston’s perspective when weighing whether to add three teenage lottery picks to this core. Livingston was 19 when he joined the Clippers and spent his first couple of seasons behind Marko Jarić and Sam Cassell. Livingston’s advice: Bet on talent and trust your culture to guide them through an inevitably rocky road. Livingston is an immense part of that culture.

“I would say his value is in his presence, his maturity, his experience,” Myers said. “We use that for everything. We’re talking about player development. What’s the best way to develop Kuminga? That means he’s talking to Kuminga. But he’s also talking to Jama (Mahlalela, director of player development) and he’s talking to Steve and saying, ‘This is how I’d utilize him. This is how I’d prepare him. This is what I’d tell him.’ If Kuminga or Moody or Wiseman is great in three years, he will have a big hand in it.”

That’s often how it works for a front office. Validation or condemnation is delayed for weeks, months, years, depending on the gravity and ramifications of the move. But the end of any season is always a valuable checkpoint.

And the Warriors are back in the Finals. Many didn’t believe they would get back here, and the front office was often singled out as one of the reasons. But they are on the verge of a fourth championship, they have a thriving core still proving to be elite and a collection of young talent that bodes well for the future.

It seems Myers is correct. They aren’t idiots. They do know a little bit.

“The organization is significantly bigger,” Joe Lacob said. “We’ve added a lot of depth all the way through. People have gotten more experience and maturity. These guys are going to grow. They’re going to get jobs in other places. Just like our coaches. You expect some of that. But it’s the same principles and we run it the same way. I’m still here. Bob’s been here 10 years. Steve has been here eight. Kirk has been here with me for 12 years. It’s the same organization. We just keep adding firepower, which is how any good organization should run.”

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